Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Getting ready for the Farm Crawl

Well were back from Sturgis safely and I have SOOOOOOO much to do to get ready for the Farm Crawl this Saturday August 17th.....from 10am to 6pm.  There are 5 local family farms involved as well as ours.  It will be a wonderful and educational sorta day.  Please come if your not busy.  If you like a day in the country this is for you.  I'm looking at all the weeds that have seems to thrive so wonderfully!!  How and when did they take over??? shesh.... seems to be a battle every single plant your gardens with so much enthusiasm and work so hard and bammo one day the weeds have taken over...everything!!!  I'm doing my own little experimental spots to try and come up with a method that may really work in weed prevention...I'll let you all know that goes. I'm so excited for all the Family and friends that will be out on Saturday.  Think they'll notice my weed collection????  Each farm will have it's own cool stuff for sale....I may have to sneak out and do some shopping myself.  I have my soaps,  and raw honey,  Beeswax candles,  Eggs,  My yarn and rovings and even a compost Tea for your flowers or veggies all ready,  oh and my herbal Tea..totally yummy! Time to get back to work...I'm gonna make some Mullberry-Rhubarb pies for our guests...Have a great night all.