Monday, September 16, 2013

Manic Mondays or just soapy Monday?

I don't know about everyone else but every Friday I make a plan of sorts...what I want to get done that weekend while I may have a few extra hands around to help.  Usually I get some but not all my project goals met for some reason or other.  So along comes Monday and I feel like I need to catch up everything that I didn't get done on Monday!  I really need to get over that.  I've already been running around like a crazy women trying to do just that.  I need to get lotz of soap made..Christmas is coming.  I need to finish canning what I pun intended..haha.  So I decided today I'm JUST gonna slow down and make some soap and trying some experimenting  with some natural colorants and EO(essential oils) this morning.  I'm coming out with a new ALL NATURAL soap line called "Free"  free of anything artificial.  That's what were all about right???  I will keep my original line going as well but now you will have a choice...we all like choices.  Folks don't realize spices and herbs right from your own cupboards can be so versital from cooking to coloring soaps..amazing world we live in.  and not only the colors but the benefits on your skins and Medicinally too.  One day soon I need to blog about herbs and their uses. Everyone have a great day!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Been to long..........

Well I have not been on here like I should be...Have been very busy canning and harvesting honey.  Trying to get ready for winter...which seems to be coming fast,,I so not ready.  Time is just going way to fast these days...Hopefully soon I willl be able to sit down and make a real post on here!