Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Winter is here....Oh my!

I guess even wishing really hard can't keep old man winter away.  Seems like we have just been slammed with this cold weather...I never am able to "Be ready"  I always still have so much prep work to do.  Hay and straw to put up in the barn..making sure all the water troughs have heaters to keep their water from freezing.  Sadly we never got electric run to the chicken coops so every morning and afternoon I have to beat the ice from the frozen water dishes  in order to give the barn yard birds water...what a pain.     Even the poor garden is still in a state of disarray I
hope I can find my blackberry bushes in the spring???  Let's hope for a mild winter...Our next project will be building stalls in the barn for spring Dairy goat kids.....Our kidding should start around April if all goes as planned.  Stay warm!