Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Winter is here....Oh my!

I guess even wishing really hard can't keep old man winter away.  Seems like we have just been slammed with this cold weather...I never am able to "Be ready"  I always still have so much prep work to do.  Hay and straw to put up in the barn..making sure all the water troughs have heaters to keep their water from freezing.  Sadly we never got electric run to the chicken coops so every morning and afternoon I have to beat the ice from the frozen water dishes  in order to give the barn yard birds water...what a pain.     Even the poor garden is still in a state of disarray I
hope I can find my blackberry bushes in the spring???  Let's hope for a mild winter...Our next project will be building stalls in the barn for spring Dairy goat kids.....Our kidding should start around April if all goes as planned.  Stay warm!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Well Mother nature fool us again...I seriously thought this dreadful winter was over.  This I can honestly say has been the longest,  coldest, windiest, snowy-est winter...I never claimed to be an English major..haha as you can tell by my grammar.  I am just so tired of walking on slush and or ice or 8 ft of snow.  COME ON SPRING.  Looking forward to all that wonderfully tart Rhubarb from the garden...and all those pies.  And want to see them busy bees buzzing and making their liquid gold.  Have a Doe that's gonna deliver in April...I simply adore baby goats.  Beyond the cuteness they are comical and so energetic.  You can sit and watch for hours.  Have great plans for the Farm Crawl this year.  I think I am doing a soap making demo and not sure what else but it's gonna be great.  Mark your calenders August 23-24th from 10-5pm.  YES! 2 days this year.  Come visit our farm and plan on spending the day!  Been making my garden plans.  I think I've changed my mind like 10x's but that's ok.  I'll get it all figured out.  I do know I want a living Teepee for the grandkids to rest under,  and Nana will have her own little nook too....wink..wink.  Remember to check us out on Facebook to and LIKE our pages.  www.facebook.com/cherokeewinds  & www.facebook.com/lulufayscountrysuds     Time to get to work.  Have an AWESOME day everyone!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Back on the blog......

Back on the blog.....I seriously need to get back in the saddle as they say...Sorry I have been so neglectful  on posting to this blog.  So much has gone on Soap & Lotion biz is growing wonderfully...Cherokee Winds is getting to be known more and more...Have Facebook pages for both you can check out.  www.facebook.com/lulufayscountrysuds  and  www.facebook.com/cherokeewinds      I have been growing kitchen scraps...my garbage garden as I so fondly call it.  My favorite son-in-law is putting together a fantastic website for me.  I finally have my L.L.C established.  A lot of technical  paperwork at least for me and tons of research but finally it's done..yay...happy dance.   Desperately waiting on winter to be over and gone...ready to get in the garden...chickens are getting winter crazy as are all the farmstead critters...My horses actually walk right over the snow crushed fencing and take little walks around and greet me with hey you need a hoof?   I miss my fresh veggies and my fresh eggs....Even though I canned and froze TONS of summer awesomeness.  You still can't beat fresh.  There will be a lot of great change in the near future stay tuned....Have a great night all!