Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tooo busy Tuesday!!

Welcome to Tuesday...at least we made it thru Monday.  Every year I say I'm going to cut back and make more "ME" time...then I come up with another way to be self sufficient and throws that out the barn door..hahaha   There is so much really cool stuff out there to learn.  Then you really think about it and it's all stuff our grandmothers and great grandmothers did daily because there was no choice.  That's how they lived....now we feel cool to make our own soaps,  or cheese and gather our own eggs.  Preserving our harvests seems so time consuming yet our grandmothers did it ....why?  because it saved money,  tasted far better than any store produced and was and is healthier.  And really when you get the hang of it,  it's really not so bad.  I know me and my family and extended family enjoys the outcome of all my preserving efforts.  What is so cool is there are SO MANY angles you can take and the possibilities are just simply endless...you can save your heirloom seeds to plant your garden so no need to purchase your seeds yearly..you can feed and compost your garden with your food scraps and animal "dodo".  no need to buy fertilizer.  Your canning jars only a one time investment,  except for the lids. Make sure you read up on each point I've made to get the details of doing this properly.  Laundry soap..very expensive..make your own.  I should post some of these recipes I use for various things.  Why give away your hard earned money.  I was born 100 years to late.  I would so love to have the knowledge to they had pass on.  Well time for me to get to work..The Farm Crawl is getting closer and I have things still to do to prepare for it.  Have a wonderful Day all!

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